Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 12: This is Jim speaking today

VOR:  for a definition see link
When I focus on a fixed point looking straight ahead---I look right and then to left, medium speed, taking about one second to complete the cycle. I do this about 15 times.
Before this treatment –when I looked to the left, all would be shaky---Like watching someone’s head cam video taken from a bike riding on rough roads!!
Now, day 12, there is very little movement, just a bit.

Ringing in my ears has gone down about 25%, listening to it now, maybe 30% - anyway, a lot!

My balance is just about normal. Yesterday, I actually went across a busy 4 lane road (in the cross walk) to get a pizza, and walked back again, even burst into a jog the latter part of the crosswalk, balance was good and my jogging didn’t shake up my vision. I also broke into a smile!!
In the mornings, putting on underwear and pants is back to normal, no holding on to the dresser or sitting down to do that!
This is great stuff for me.
I would say I am no longer disabled!!!

One Thing Still----In my head, it still feels a bit “Swimmy” “Light-headed". Heck, I have 18 more days to go!!

In the Book  Dr. Paul Harch The Oxygen Revolution (fully updated edition) refers to treatment time in “Blocks” – 40 one and a half hour treatments, which is based on his patients (brain injury people).
At the beginning, I thought that it would take a couple of treatments a day for 2 – 3 weeks. That was just me thinking!!
So, I rented the chamber for a month, just to be sure.
My goal is to complete the Block of 40 treatments and then assess my condition.  With this much progress so far at 24 treatments, I am extremely hopeful that I will get rid of this “light-headedness” before then.

So Far, my life has had a huge “turn around”!! I can actually function.

The Chamber
I have committed to twice a day, period - No Excuses - I am committed to getting the most out of this as I possibly can.
I decided right away that I would get up early and be out by 6:00 am. Usually I am in at 3:50 am, good time, as I sleep for most of it.
Then back in at 10:00 am and be out before lunch, giving me the afternoon free.
Joy has the 6:00 am – 7:30 and the 12:00 - 1:30 pm shift.
Karen is in at 8am and is doing one time a day for now.

Life in the Chamber:
I am really getting used to it now and look forward to getting in.
It is pretty easy for one person to operate.
I can zip up both zippers from the inside—be careful zipping, just like zipping up your diving dry suit—be CAREFUL with the zipper and treat it with respect---nice slow movement, never jerk on it—it is just a zipper and needs to be treated gently.—Treat it this way and it will last a long time. (this is how I treat my wife!)
I then close the relief valve and start the compressor by way of a remote fob, similar to a car beeper---I do have to remember to start the Oxygen concentrator BEFORE I get in.
I have a dive light inside in the early hours so I can turn off the room light and be able to see while zipping up and getting settled.
I wear a Hoodie and sweat pants and socks---pretty comfy. Also I have a great pillow and another big one under my knees, the mattress that is with the chamber is just fine.
There is a window right above my head, one at each end of the chamber. I have an eye mask (like one wears on a plane) - it does get lightish at 6 am.
The sound of both the air compressor and the O2 concentrator is a steady sound; it really is not a bother.
The O2 mask covers the nose and mouth—the material is pretty comfortable and I breathe through my nose. Sometimes I have put on a “Breath-right” strip; it really does make a difference.
I do roll to either side to sleep, I set my cell phone on vibrate and set the alarm—it seems like only a short period of time before I can hear it vibrate.
Push the button on the fob to stop compressor, turn the Relief valve, and watch the pressure return to 0.
---Unzip---Both zippers, roll on to hands and knees and stand up—Easy.

Safety--It has two over- pressure relief valves, so it is impossible for the pressure to go any higher than the 4.2 PSI—impossible.

You Take Control – You check the room air, You zip it up, You start the compressor, You work the relief Valve, and You time yourself.
And when in there, think about how the Oxygenated air is helping your blood, which in turn is healing your body.

Temperature— At the beginning, when the chamber compressor is started, it takes a few minutes to fill the chamber up before it starts to pressurize. Then you can see the pressure gauge start to move. When the pressure builds up, you will feel the air warm up slightly and when you end the session and release the pressure you will feel the air cool somewhat—kinda neat!

The Air: The air coming into the chamber comes right out of the room you are in, so it is the same temperature. Be sure the room has clean fresh air and not in the basement beside your spouse stirring paint or spray painting or some other smelly stuff.
Make sure the neighbors aren’t having their trees being sprayed with Insecticides. Stuff like that—be very aware of the air in the room.
Just an example---I have a water distiller in the room which creates heat when it runs –my second time in there--- I couldn’t figure out why I was so warm in there and moisture was coating the little windows!!!!---Hmmm—Me –Mr. SCUBA didn’t think of that!!—I had the thing running!!! --So, this is why I mention about the air.

Your Ears:  As the pressure builds you will feel it affecting your ears, like going up in a plane or driving on a mountain road, or like SCUBA diving. You need to “clear you ears” –Equalize the pressure. This is done by doing an exaggerated yawn, swallowing, or hold your nose and gently breath out against your closed nose---you will feel the pressure inside your head equalize. This will need to be done often as the pressure builds, perhaps four times per each one pound of pressure. The pressure will go to 4.2 PSI. Clearing often is good, if you wait too long it is harder to clear.
At the end of the treatment, when the pressure is being released, again, you head needs to equalize. This happens on its own. You will feel the clearing. You can yawn and or swallow to help it, but the “Pinch the Nose” thing won’t help, as the pressure is now greater in your head, you don’t want to put more in!!
Joy and Karen both found it to be uncomfortable on the ears the first couple of times and had to slow down by opening the relief valve.  
After a few times, it seems that your body gets used to this new exercise and then you will be able to “Clear your ears” like a Pro.
Remember YOU have CONTROL—if the pressure is uncomfortable and you ears are not “Clearing”—simply turn the exhaust valve and open it, this will stop the pressure building and give you more time to equalize.

IMPORTANT: In the event that you are having trouble "clearing" your ears, you have total control -- start by opening the exhaust valve, which lets the pressure stop building --- you can ALSO stop the compressor using the fob and open the exhaust valve.
It is only 4 PSI, but you will still feel it and need to equalize the preasure inside you head with the inside of the chamber.
You don’t need to let much pressure drop to make a difference.
You have lots of time, so take time and don’t force the “Clearing”
Another Important Anytime the pressure is building OR decreasing—NEVER HOLD YOUR BREATH. Just breathe normally.
It is nothing to be afraid or concerned about, just breathe normally.

MY OFFER --- With my experience as commercial diver and Diving Instructor, this is no big deal for me, however, non-divers; it just may seem a bit overwhelming, as it is unknown territory.
SO—I will be happy to come and help. No matter where you are.
If anyone ---anyone---wants to try this HBOT treatment, and is the slightest bit hesitant --- I will arrange for you to rent a chamber and the shipping of it to you--- ALSO --- I will come and help set it up – And get you going using it  –Seriously.
Just email or phone me.
JFTJIM@AOL.COM    OR 303-594-1672.

This is all a natural way of helping your body heal itself, no drugs.
This seems to be working for my Vestibular Neuritis – at least it is a great start.

Just a last note---Before this treatment---Every morning when I open my eyes, I look around and say –xx%#%, I am not better yet!!!
The last couple of mornings –I get out of bed and don’t even think about it—AMAZING!

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