Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 21: Jim's Rambling Frustration

Jim reports....
I am at a bit of a stall in progress:
Last Thursday, I decided that I should go back to the chiropractor. He is about my age, loads of experience and specializes in neurology. He really knows this stuff, and using him along with the chamber I felt that I just couldn’t miss.
Doing a “Full Treatment”, not relying on ONE treatment (as I am still “Light-Headed”) has to be the way to go at this point. I feel I have stalled in progress and am only half way through the Chamber time. I feel it is the best use of time and skills. There should be no need to rent the chamber for another month. This way I will get better faster—a more complete therapy –both working together.

Entertaining the thought of using him again, knowing full well that the second treatment he did made me worse, I assured myself that it was just a coincidence and all will help me get better faster. Also his testing would show my progress in “Real Time” - A good test for the hours I am putting in the chamber. Karen and I discussed it and decided to go ahead and booked the appointment.

When I saw him, I told him about the HBOT and my idea of “Full Treatment”. He immediately was on board agreeing that full treatment was a great idea and how he knows all about oxygen etc.  yada yada yada.
He then wanted to see how I was doing and excited to see how I did on the balance machine—me too!
So, I jumped on the machine and the results of that test were promising. Before, I was at 24%, the very bottom of the scale, a high risk of falling. Now I am at 58% – one segment from the “Top” scale.
I also did the test – standing on foot in front of the other, get my balance and close my eyes. I was able to balance much longer than a couple of weeks prior. Before I lasted 5 seconds, now I was 45 seconds with left foot forward and a minute with the other foot forward, or visa versa—it is important, but not for this report. Now we are getting somewhere!! Yahoo.

So, with regained confidence in the Chiropractor, this “Full Treatment” is a great idea, I am happy that I booked this appointment; I will get better faster—feeling great.

So, the chiro goes on about how he agrees that O2 is a good thing—he said he even administers oxygen to patients, but didn’t with me because----??
He had a stroke patient use a chamber with good results. Chambers are good.
Then he goes on to say that HE would have gotten the same balance improvements doing his stuff, BUT, he said, “It doesn’t matter how you get better as long as you get better”--in other words, he know ALL and His way will work!!!!
He went on to say that HE can read blood test and it must be a test with Fasting—I just had one last week BUT I had coffee that morning—he said that is no good—has to be fasting---SO --I decided to get another blood test and find out what is wrong with me for sure.
He said that I was MIS-DIAGNOSED, it is not Vestibular Neuritis. BUT doesn’t know what it is!! 
With him saying that stuff, confidence just dropped somewhat, BUT it is more looking back on it then at the time.

He suggested we do the same maneuvers as before---
Hmmmm—But—it will be ok, I just got to get better, SO, I am still on this “Full Treatment” idea and all will be good.

He did the same little maneuver on me: I lay down on my side with my head on 10 inches of books (to be level) and he has this little “Clicker” thing and clicks my ear lobe –the second maneuver was me standing with my left arm over my chest—he got behind, I exhale and he kinda pulls my elbow up and into me—not too hard and seemed no big deal.
I immediately felt the light-headedness get a bit worse!!!!!!

He sez that it is odd for that to happen again!!!—NO Shit Sherlock, I thought!

The end of that session, with the blood test booked and the session with him to interpret the test, so I can finally find out what is wrong--- we spent about $400.00.
Then he proceeded to tell me that once he gets the results he can advise a diet for me as well as supplements that will really help me. He pulls out pills—long story short, it is a MLM company. We looked the company up when we got home. Struggling MLM Company, we read that they did a study showing how great their stuff was - it was a study based on a “13 people” - need I say more.

The drive home –I was quite a bit worse and when I did the evening walk with the dog, at the end of the walk –I was just about the same as I was TWO WEEKS AGO!!!
I called him immediately and did get him on the phone, told him and he said that it would be a good idea to NOT do any more treatments in the office---  OH—he had given me that ball to use---I am stopping that too.

At this point I am furious at myself for going back to him!

This “Full Treatment” stuff is not looking too good!

What have I done? How stupid can I possibly be???

I just want to know what is wrong with me. How can I be treated for something we don’t know the cause?????

So, now Tuesday morning and I am still not to where I was BEFORE I saw him. The VOR is a bit worse looking to the left and it was just about gone!!!

I just want to know what is wrong!

I have the blood test results of 4-15-2011on my desk (the one that I had a cup of coffee, that chiro said is NO Good.) What ever good it is to me, I can compare for past ones, but I don’t have the education in that department to really make any sense of it. It is like me reading my brain scan—it is there on the screen BUT

Yesterday, the chiro's office called to say they have the blood test and I have an appointment for Tuesday at 11 am to go over the results and get his opinion of WHY I am this way and exactly what the problem is. BUT my wife is busy today and I can’t get a ride in to see him today!! –I really shouldn’t drive the car either, --I could have driven BEFORE I saw him!!!
I Told the girl this and said I would like the results by phone, perhaps we can keep the 11am appointment and just do it on the phone.—Message back it that he has a lot to go over and needs to do it in person!!!  AKKKK!
I really want to compare the tests and also see what he has to say. At least I will have a direct comparison—maybe I can see just how bad it was to have the coffee before the test---it will be interesting.

OH—yesterday I completed the first “Block” –40 treatments in the chamber. I thought I would be better by now!!

At this point right now, my ringing in my ears is still down about 25% and I am better that I was after the walk with the dog on Friday.

So, at day 21 of the chamber with 10 days to go with it, I am thinking positive - those couple of little maneuvers were really not that much, my body can’t be that sensitive!

Now that the first block of treatments is complete, I need to do Plan B.

-Finish the 10 days with 2 treatments a day.

- Get the new blood test results and have the meeting with chiro and see what he has to say. There will be no maneuvers at all, just the results and his opinion. Also, I will see what he is pitching for a diet and Pills and will not buy anything. I can get a ride Thursday, so I will book that appointment.

-   I will stay positive.

Just a thought as I am typing this:
I really would rather be the one reading this blog than the one writing this in “Real Time” –Hindsight is such a wonder thing. My progress was so good with just the chamber. I am really pissed that I even thought of that “Full Therapy” stuff.

Maybe it is as simple as going down to sea level for a few weeks; we are at 8300 feet elevation here! Perhaps that will be Plan C.

I just took a bit of a break and walked around. My VOR is about 90%, not that bad looking to the left.
I think, now from my HBOT experience, that in 4-5 more treatments I will be back to where I was, so it is not too bad, just a little set back. Making decisions and acting on those decisions is a good thing—it is the way a person learns.
Not making decisions is definitely worse.
So, there is no Gloom and Doom here.
Learning from my actions is a wonderful thing.
Can’t learn if you don’t want to and all those other clichés.

To Be Continued...............

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