Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Jim gets Vertigo

On Jan 31, 2010 my husband, Jim, developed Vertigo very suddenly. He had gone to a neighbor's house and on the walk home started stumbling, barely able to walk.

Once home, he got into bed and within a couple of hours started vomiting. He could hardly sit up, and retched almost constantly.

I was able to get him to the doctors' in the afternoon. They did several tests, and gave him a shot to calm the nausea. He also got scripts for two anti-nausea medications.

He spent the next two days in bed, not able to eat and barely able to drink. He finally was better enough to walk cautiously and eat bland foods.

Initially the doctors thought it could be BPVV, and tried the Epley maneuver. When that didn't work, they referred him to a specialist (an ENT)

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