Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 3: Unexpected Benefit

Jim as now done 5 sessions in the 'chamber' - he uses it for 1.5 to 2 hours at a time, and even slept in it this morning!

He says his vertigo is better. We have ways to test how he is feeling, mostly any changes driving in the car, walking around large stores, or his daily walk with the dog (along an uneven trail thru the trees). His spirits seem very 'up', and we hope this really will make the vertigo go away (at least get better).

However, he has hand improvement in his had and this is somewhat quantifiable. His had surgery on his right hand in late November for Dupuytren's Contracture (aka Viking Disease). Before the surgery, he was not able to extend his fingers out straight, i.e. they were curved. Post-surgery he could stretch fingers out, but has not been able to make a closed fist. After 2 sessions he can now close his fist completely!

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