Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 4: Continued Good Results

Jim has now had 8 sessions in the chamber - 2 each day. He is feeling better! This is a bit subjective, but says his vertigo is definitely less. And his hand is still improved.

I slept from 11pm to 5:45am last night without getting up. I NEVER do this, never! I don't know if the chamber just made me extra tired, or more relaxed.

Also - can HBOT help Leukemia? Our neighbor, Joy, has CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia). She is an amazing woman, usually full of energy and controls her leukemia thru diet and exercise (no drugs). However, her body is affected which she knows thru routine blood tests. So she wanted to try using HBOT.

This was her third day - 1.5 hours each day. When she entered the chamber, her O2 saturation in her blood was 88% (we measure with a pulse oximeter). This is low - most people would have a value of about 95 to 97%. (NOTE: I think that her SpO2 reading might be faulty because the oximeter was acting up). So, once she has been in chamber for awhile, and her blood 02 goes up to 98 to 99%, we all figure this has to be a good thing. She says she has been sleeping better and her spirits certainly seem high!

Here are two pix of Joy...

Exiting the chamber

Out and happy!

So we are all happy with this thing so far. Our plan is to continue every day: Jim twice a day, Joy and I once per day. We're trying to document how we feel, our times, O2, etc. so we have a reasonable idea at the end of one month how effective this truly is.

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