Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 8: Amazing!

Yesterday Jim said he felt 75% of normal. You have no idea how big a deal this is, after more than three months of feeling crummy. He felt so good that he said he could drive to grocery/bank on his own! It is about 12 miles round-trip. I felt like a mom waiting for her newly-licensed 16-yr-old to get home. But he did get home, and felt fine driving.

Today we went and picked up his new Scorpa trails/trials motorcycle in Denver. Jim wasn't sure about driving on I-70, so I drove. But he is pretty darn excited and wants to get to 100% sooner than later so he can be on the new bike.
Here's the new bike, and it's in the living room of course.

Y-Lee (our cat) went inside the 'tube' non-pressurized. He looks like 'Bubble Boy"

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